Thursday 13 June 2024

Can the Point of Oblivion Theorem (POT) be used to check randomness or unpredictability?

The Point of Oblivion Theorem (POT) is a theoretical concept that posits the existence of a point in iterative systems where the system's ability to retain information about its initial state or previous iterations diminishes to a negligible level. This loss of information implies that the system's future behavior becomes statistically independent of its past, regardless of the initial conditions or the steps taken up to that point.

While the POT does not directly measure randomness or unpredictability, it can be used to assess the potential for information loss in iterative systems. This information loss can indirectly indicate the degree of randomness or unpredictability in the system's behavior.

Here's how the POT can be used to check randomness or unpredictability:

  1. Identify Iterative Systems: The POT applies to systems that involve iterative processes, where the output or state at any given time step depends on the previous states or inputs. Examples of such systems include random walks, Markov chains, machine learning algorithms, and chaotic systems.
  2. Analyze Information Loss: By analyzing the information loss in an iterative system, as predicted by the POT, it is possible to estimate the degree of randomness or unpredictability in the system's behavior. A higher rate of information loss suggests a greater degree of randomness or unpredictability.
  3. Compare with Theoretical Predictions: The observed information loss can be compared with the theoretical predictions of the POT for the specific system. Deviations from the theoretical predictions may indicate the presence of additional factors influencing the system's behavior, such as external influences or deterministic components.
  4. Statistical Analysis: Statistical methods can be used to analyze the data collected from the iterative system and assess the randomness or unpredictability of the system's behavior. This analysis can involve tests for randomness, such as the chi-square test or the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test.


  • Theoretical Concept: The POT is a theoretical concept, and its practical application may require careful consideration and adaptation to specific systems.
  • Information Loss Measurement: Measuring information loss in real-world systems can be challenging and may require specialized techniques or assumptions.
  • Indirect Measure: The POT does not directly measure randomness or unpredictability but rather infers it from information loss.


While the POT does not directly measure randomness or unpredictability, it can be used as an indirect indicator of these properties in iterative systems. By analyzing information loss and comparing it with theoretical predictions, it is possible to assess the degree of randomness or unpredictability in the system's behavior. However, it is important to consider the limitations of this approach and use it in conjunction with other methods for a comprehensive evaluation.

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