NgRx is a state management library for Angular that provides a predictable state container for managing application state. It can be used to manage shared state between the client and server-side of an Angular application, including when using an Angular Universal application with a .NET Core REST API.
Here's an example of how NgRx can be used with a .NET Core REST API:
Install NgRx - First, install NgRx by running the following command in the Angular application directory:
npm install @ngrx/store --save
Define a state - Define the application state in the AppState interface. For example:
export interface AppState {
todos: Todo[];
Define actions - Define actions that describe the state changes that can occur in the application. For example:
export enum TodoActionTypes {
ADD_TODO = '[Todo] Add Todo',
REMOVE_TODO = '[Todo] Remove Todo',
export class AddTodo implements Action {
readonly type = TodoActionTypes.ADD_TODO;
constructor(public payload: { todo: Todo }) {}
export class RemoveTodo implements Action {
readonly type = TodoActionTypes.REMOVE_TODO;
constructor(public payload: { id: number }) {}
export type TodoActions = AddTodo | RemoveTodo;
Define reducers - Define reducers that handle the state changes described by the actions. For example:
export function todoReducer(state: Todo[] = [], action: TodoActions) {
switch (action.type) {
case TodoActionTypes.ADD_TODO:
return [...state, action.payload.todo];
case TodoActionTypes.REMOVE_TODO:
return state.filter((todo) => !==;
return state;
Define selectors - Define selectors that provide access to specific parts of the application state. For example:
export const selectTodos = (state: AppState) => state.todos;
Dispatch actions - In the Angular application, dispatch actions to update the application state. For example:
constructor(private store: Store) {}
addTodo() {
const todo = { id: 1, title: 'Buy milk', completed: false }; AddTodo({ todo }));
removeTodo() {
const id = 1; RemoveTodo({ id }));
Use the state in the .NET Core REST API - In the .NET Core REST API, use the state provided by NgRx to generate the API response. For example:
[HttpGet] public ActionResult>; GetTodos()
var todos = _store.Select(state => state.todos);
return Ok(todos);
By using NgRx with a .NET Core REST API, developers can manage shared state between the client and server-side of an Angular application, enabling server-side rendering and improving performance and user experience.
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