Wednesday, 24 May 2023
The LOEANE Theorem: Exploring the Dynamics of Emergence and Transition
Sunday, 7 May 2023
State management in Angular using NgRx
NgRx is a state management library for Angular that provides a predictable state container for managing application state. It can be used to manage shared state between the client and server-side of an Angular application, including when using an Angular Universal application with a .NET Core REST API.
Here's an example of how NgRx can be used with a .NET Core REST API:
Install NgRx - First, install NgRx by running the following command in the Angular application directory:
npm install @ngrx/store --save
Define a state - Define the application state in the AppState interface. For example:
export interface AppState {
todos: Todo[];
Define actions - Define actions that describe the state changes that can occur in the application. For example:
export enum TodoActionTypes {
ADD_TODO = '[Todo] Add Todo',
REMOVE_TODO = '[Todo] Remove Todo',
export class AddTodo implements Action {
readonly type = TodoActionTypes.ADD_TODO;
constructor(public payload: { todo: Todo }) {}
export class RemoveTodo implements Action {
readonly type = TodoActionTypes.REMOVE_TODO;
constructor(public payload: { id: number }) {}
export type TodoActions = AddTodo | RemoveTodo;
Define reducers - Define reducers that handle the state changes described by the actions. For example:
export function todoReducer(state: Todo[] = [], action: TodoActions) {
switch (action.type) {
case TodoActionTypes.ADD_TODO:
return [...state, action.payload.todo];
case TodoActionTypes.REMOVE_TODO:
return state.filter((todo) => !==;
return state;
Define selectors - Define selectors that provide access to specific parts of the application state. For example:
export const selectTodos = (state: AppState) => state.todos;
Dispatch actions - In the Angular application, dispatch actions to update the application state. For example:
constructor(private store: Store) {}
addTodo() {
const todo = { id: 1, title: 'Buy milk', completed: false }; AddTodo({ todo }));
removeTodo() {
const id = 1; RemoveTodo({ id }));
Use the state in the .NET Core REST API - In the .NET Core REST API, use the state provided by NgRx to generate the API response. For example:
[HttpGet] public ActionResult>; GetTodos()
var todos = _store.Select(state => state.todos);
return Ok(todos);
By using NgRx with a .NET Core REST API, developers can manage shared state between the client and server-side of an Angular application, enabling server-side rendering and improving performance and user experience.
Isomorphic application development
Isomorphic application development can be implemented in various programming languages and frameworks, including .NET and Angular.
In .NET, developers can use the ASP.NET Core framework to build isomorphic web applications. ASP.NET Core supports server-side rendering and provides a variety of tools and libraries to help developers create isomorphic applications. The framework also provides built-in support for Angular, allowing developers to easily integrate Angular components and features into their isomorphic applications.
To build an isomorphic application in .NET and Angular, developers typically start by creating an Angular application and then integrating it with the ASP.NET Core framework. The Angular application can be designed to run on both the client and server-side using Angular Universal, which is a framework for server-side rendering in Angular applications.
Once the Angular application is integrated with the ASP.NET Core framework, developers can use the server-side rendering capabilities of the framework to generate HTML on the server and send it to the client as a fully-formed page. This can significantly improve performance and user experience by reducing the amount of time required to load and render content.
To manage state and data synchronization between the client and server-side of the application, developers can use tools and techniques such as server-side data pre-fetching, shared state management libraries, and server-side caching.
Isomorphic application development in .NET and Angular offers many benefits to web developers looking to build fast, responsive, and maintainable web applications. By leveraging the power of server-side rendering and shared code between the client and server, isomorphic applications can deliver a superior user experience and reduce development time and costs.